102 Programming Hunt Groups
Enterprise Edge Feature Programming Telephone Guide P0908510 Issue 01
• Page Zones
• Voice Call
Adding or removing members from a groupMembers of the group can be any Enterprise Edge set, or portable. An Enterprise
Edge set can be in more than one Hunt Group but is considered a member in each
Hunt Group, increasing the total number of members in the system.
There can be only one appearance of the same Hunt Group on a set. Hunt Group
DNs cannot be members of other Hunt Groups. A DN can be associated with a
member of a Hunt Group and is called a member DN.
Consult your customer service representative to determine your Hunt Group
number range.
1. Select Resources, Telephony, Hunt Groups.
2. Select a hunt group from the hunt group list (1-30).
3. From the hunt group, select Members.
4. To add a member, click Add. Enter a DN number and click Save.
5. To remove a member, select the member and click Delete.
Moving members of a group
Member order within a Hunt Group is important. The member order determines
how a call is routed through a Hunt Group.
1. Select Telephony, Hunt Groups.
2. Select a hunt group from the hunt group list (1-30).
3. From the hunt group, select Members.
4. Double-click a member from the member list.
5. Enter the new member number (001, 002, etc.) and click OK.
The list is automatically reordered.