Index 161
P0908510 Issue 01 Enterprise Edge Feature Programming Telephone Guide
using a password 128, 130
Cleared>LINENAM 79
communicating in the office
paging 73–75
sending messages using display 75
Voice Call 80
capabilities 135–144
assignment 138
description 138
neighbors 138
rad neighbor 138
radios 138
disabling registration 136
enabling registration 136
programming 136–139
re-evaluation 137
twinning portables 140
Conf. on hold 39
Conference busy 39
Conference Call
by releasing privacy 43
disconnecting from 39
removing yourself from 39
splitting 38
using the Conference feature 37
contrast adjustment 89
control telephone 119, 123
customizing CAP 31
customizing your telephone
adjusting ring volume 96
Button Inquiry 89
changing ring type 96
contrast adjustment 89
User Preferences 99
date and time
changing 23
displayed instead of messages 97
displaying 44
length of a call 43
button assignments 93
Call Log items 84
messages from list 78
programmed features 91
Denied in admin 149
deregistration of extension numbers on a po r table
desktop conferencing using ISDN 115
dial pad
description 15
dial tone
Enterprise Edge system 129
stuttered 129
Dial voice call 81
automatic dial 48
modes 48
options 100
pre-dial 48
saved number 56
Link 125
Long Tones 126
Pause 126
Programmed Release 126
run/stop 127
switching from pulse to tone 127
Wait for Dial Tone 127
standard dial 48
switching from pulse to tone 127
Dialing Plan
PRI 113
DID (Direct Inward Dial)
template 94
direct inward system access (DISA) 128
direct-dial telephone
programming 122
Directed Call Pickup 143
Directed Pickup 34
DISA (see direct inward system access)
from conference 39
releasing a call, accidentally 44
Supervision 131
button equivalents for one-line display 134
buttons 14, 15
Call information 33
changing the language 90, 100
contrast 100
making darker or lighter 89
one-line 133
testing 146
time and date 44
distinctive rings 96
DN (see internal numbers)
DND 61
DND from 30
DND transfer 30
Do Not Disturb 109
canceling 109