Shooting Smiling Faces (Smart Portrait Mode)

BNotes on Smart Portrait Mode

Digital zoom is not available.

Under some shooting conditions, the camera may be unable to detect faces or detect smiles.

See “Notes on Face Detection” (A48) for more information.

BNotes on Skin Softening

More time than usual may be required to save an image when shooting with skin softening function.

In some shooting conditions, facial skin tones may not be smoothed or parts other than face may be modified though the camera detects a face. If the desired results are not produced, set Skin softening to Off and shoot again.

The skin softening level cannot be adjusted when the portrait or night portrait is selected in the scene mode.

Skin softening can also be applied on saved images (A98).

CAuto Power Off in Smile Timer Mode

When Smile timer is set to On, the auto power off function (A 133) is activated and the camera turns off when either of the situations indicated below persists and no other operations are performed.

The camera does not detect any faces.

The camera detected a face, but cannot detect a smile.

CWhen the Self-timer Lamp Blinks

When using smile timer, the self-timer lamp blinks when the camera detects a face and flickers immediately after the shutter is released.

CReleasing the Shutter Manually

The shutter can also be released by pressing the shutter-release button. If no faces are detected, the camera focuses on the subject at the center of the frame.

CFunctions Available in Smart Portrait Mode

Flash cannot be used when Blink proof is set to On. When Blink proof is set to Off, flash mode (A30) is set to U(auto) (can be modified).

The self timer (A32) options can be applied when Smile timer is set to Off.

Macro mode cannot be used.

Exposure compensation (A34) is enabled.

Press the dbutton to display the F(smart portrait) menu and adjust Image mode, Skin softening, Smile timer, or Blink proof (A66).

DMore Information

See “Autofocus” (A27) for more information.

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