NorthStar Navigation 961XD installation manual Display

Models: 961X 961XD

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SECTION TWO - Installation

Table 2: Troubleshooting the installation (continued)




Problem Area


Possible Solutions/Reasons







POWER (cont’d)

The control head powers-up, but not the

Check the fuse and the power to the


processor (the processor’s power indicator



at the back of the unit is not lit).

Check the coax cable between the



head and the processor.



Set the TEST-POWERswitch on



the processor to the TEST position; if



the processor doesn’t power-up, then



power to the processor is faulty, or the



entire unit may be defective.




POWER (cont’d)

The control head powers up, beeps, and the

Verify that the processor’s power indi-


backlight can be operated up and down, but

cator at the back of the unit is lit.


there isn’t any video.

Check the fuse and the power to the






Check the coax cable between the



head and the processor and make



sure it’s properly terminated and con-



nected. If a spare known-good cable



is available, temporarily substitute it to



see if the problem goes away.





There is continuous or intermittent system

Verify that the processor’s power indi-


failure as evidenced by the display screen

cator at the back of the unit is lit.


flashing a "plaid" or multi-colored "waffle

Check the fuse and the power to the


weave" pattern.






Check the coax cable between the



head and the processor and make



sure it’s properly terminated and con-



nected. If a spare known-good cable



is available, temporarily substitute it to



see if the problem goes away.



If a test setup with a VGA monitor and



keyboard is available, call Northstar



technical support for guidance con-



cerning in-depth troubleshooting of



the system to determine if the prob-



lem is the display or the processor.


There is continuous or intermittent system

This may be radar interference; for


failure as evidenced by the display screen

additional guidance, see Table 4,


flashing a pulsing white flash in a continu-

“Troubleshooting the radar interface,”


ous repeating pattern.

on page 42.





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NorthStar Navigation 961XD installation manual Display