NorthStar Navigation 961XD Setting beacon frequency and baud rate, Automatic tuning

Models: 961X 961XD

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SECTION FOUR - Service/Maintenance

Setting beacon frequency and baud rate

You can set the receiver to operate automatically or be controlled manu- ally.

Automatic tuning

Northstar’s two-channel differential receiver enters automatic differential mode as soon as corrections are received, and doesn’t require any further supervision for differential operation, automatically tuning to the appro- priate differential frequency as you move from one differential coverage area to another or as weather conditions change. First, it finds the differ- ential frequency and data transfer (baud) rate, then it receives data fully automatically. The receiver constantly evaluates available radio beacon signals for signal quality, and selects only the best station. The receiver is prepared to switch to another frequency automatically, as you travel, as conditions require.

The unit maintains automatic operation by using its two independent receiver channels: Channel 1 tracks the best available differential signal (the one with the lowest data error rate) and sends the demodulated DGPS corrections to the 961’s GPS receiver. Channel 2 continuously scans the entire differential frequency band (283.5 to 325 kHz), locating and measuring received DGPS differential signals, which is then stored as a DGPS differential directory in its battery-powered memory.

If the signal that’s received and monitored by Channel 1 degrades for any reason, such as bad weather between you and the transmitter, the unit tries to select a better frequency from the differential directory it has compiled. This feature enables it to switch to the best differential sig- nal—beforeaffecting your GPS accuracy.

For normal operation, Northstar recommends that you leave both beacon frequency and baud rate at the AUTO setting. Generally, you’ll use auto- matic mode for everything except specialized applications.

To choose automatic mode:

1.At the RECEIVER INFORMATION screen, press the CURSOR PAD to highlight the BEACON FREQ field, then press the EDIT key.

2.Press the CURSOR pad left to highlight the AUTO field, then press the ACCEPT key (or CANCEL to leave the option unchanged).

Manual tuning

You can override the receiver’s selection of automatic differential stations at any time. Under manual control, you manually set the differential fre- quency and baud rate to tune in a particular differential transmitter. In manual mode, the differential receiver outputs DGPS corrections only from the selected station. Although the need for manual operation is rare, it is easily accessed at the RECEIVER INFORMATION screen. Here, you


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NorthStar Navigation 961XD installation manual Setting beacon frequency and baud rate, Automatic tuning