2.0. Installing the In-wall NV-RVM Renovia Main
Source Hub and Audio Sources
The Renovia Main Source Hub is the central source input for all
sources associated with the Renovia System. This should be located
in an audio closet, rack or entertainment center, where the system
sources can be easily attached.
Place the Main Source Hub component in the desired location and
plug it into the AC outlet. Remember, the AC outlet from the hub
location is the audio and source metadata connection to each of the
You should never plug the Main Source Hub into an external
surge protector device. These often inhibit HomePlug signal.
The fix for such a condition is the NV-HPNF, a Homeplug
isolator/filter device that is available from NuVo. The NV-RVM Hub has
specific MOV surge protection built in to allow it to plug directly in the
desired outlet. In addition, if you plug the Main Source Hub into an
outlet that is shared with an inexpensive surge protector device, it may
absorb Hub signals to the point that the signals are compromised. Such
a case will be made evident by testing this outlet with the NV-RVSAT-H
Hub Tester plugged in alongside the surge protector. You should never
use an extension cord with the Main Source Hub. It can degrade
your system's performance.
Some higher end surge protectors, may offer very effective filtering
against Homeplug interference from certain audio/video
components found in a home entertainment center. It may not be
necessary to isolate such a surge protector with an NV-HPNF
isolator/filter device.
2.1 Connecting IR Controlled Sources
The Source Input section on the Hub's back panel has six stereo mini
3.5 mm connections for distribution of up to six IR controlled
sources. The connections do not become active on the sytem
Control Pads until a source is physically plugged in. This allows the
System to automatically reflect the available sources for the user.
Although the Main Source Hub has two AM/FM/SIRIUS Ready tuners
internally as sources 1 and 2, any source plugged into the 1 and 2
inputs will override the internal tuners.
Fig. 6
Four NV-VEC1 IR Emitters are included with the Main Source Hub.
These are intended to supply IR commands to the attached sources.
Plug the emitter into the appropriate numbered IR output in the IR
Output section of the NV-RVM. The number of the output
corresponds with the numbered input of the source being controlled.
The head of the emitter should then be attached over the IR receiver
on the source component, as shown in Fig. 6. The SUM output will
duplicate simultaneously, any and all of the IR commands active for
any of the source 1 - 6 IR outputs, each of which can be activated one
at a time.
2.2 Installing NuVoNet Sources with the Renovia Main
Source Hub
2.2.1 Source 1 and 2 Dual AM/FM/SiriusConnect Tuners
The NV-RVM features two independent AM/FM tuners with
associated SIRIUS Ready inputs for incorporating SIRIUS Satellite
Radio. These act as a default Source 1 and 2. These may be easily
disabled by plugging another line level audio source into the Source
1 and 2 stereo inputs.
It is important to note that the Renovia System is not
capable of receiving and sending IR commands from the
zones to the Main Source Hub through the IR receiver on the
Control Pads. IR commands can only be issued as pre-programmed
macros in the Renovia Configurator software (see Section 6.4 - Using
the Configurator Software, Macros). An IR connection is not
necessary if you are using NuVoNet Sources. Those sources will be
covered in the next section.