Signal Strength
Audio Test
AM/FM Strenght
RSSI: 60dBuV
SNR: 31 dB
SIRIUS Strength
SAT: Strong
TERR: None
Combined: Strong
Are You Sure?
Fig. 63
Fig. 64
Fig. 65
Fig. 66
Diagnostics: Signal strength for AM, FM and SIRIUS
reception and the current firmware version number are
provided in the Diagnostics menu, as shown in Fig. 63.
Version: This displays the tuner’s current firmware
version. Upgraded versions are posted on the NuVo
website ProZone Resource Center and are loaded onto
the Tuner by downloading a new configuration from the
Tuner Configurator software through the RS232 port.
AM/FM Signal Strength: This displays two levels for
Tuners A and B. RSSI, received signal strength indicator,
is a measurement in dBuV, and SNR, signal to noise is
measured in dB, as shown in Fig. 64.
SIRIUS Signal Strength: Three separate
measurements are provided in levels 1-4, None,
Weak, Good, or Strong. The measurements are SAT
(satellite), TERR (terrestrial), and COMBINED, as
shown in Fig. 65.
Audio Test: The test tone is intended to verify an audio
signal from an attached SIRIUS receiver. The tone will
continue until you tune up or down, or change broadcast
Reset Memory: This should be used only when it is
advantageous to remove all settings from the Tuner.
Choosing yes to reset memory returns the Tuners to their
factory default, as shown in Fig. 66.