Initial Volume
Set (current volume)
Reset (-60 dB)
Fig. 73
8.6 Advanced Zone Settings: These are parameters for each
zone. They can be easily established in the Configurator Software or
here, at each of the zone Control Pads, Fig 74. The only way to get
into this menu is to hold the Control Pad’s OK button for six seconds.
Adv. Zone Settings
Source Lockout
Exclusive Src. Ctrl.
Default DND
Default Zone Locked
Remote Controls
Slaved to Zone
Fig. 74
Source Lockout: Any source selected in this menu will be
locked from access within that zone.
Exclusive Src. Ctrl: This sets a default that automatically grabs
control of any source chosen within this zone. Other zones will
be able to listen, but they will have no specific source control.
This is a permanent zone setting.
Group: Source Group is a great NuVo feature for large, open-
floor living spaces. In this menu option, any zone can be set to
share sources among a group of zones to prevent the likelihood
of having more than one source playing in the same open space.
The advantage to Source Group is that each zone area maintains
individual on/off and volume capability.
Default DND: This prevents the global functions of all-on or
party and whole-house page from acting on the specific zone, as
shown in Fig. 75.
Fig. 75
Default DND
No Mute
No Page
No Party
Remote Controls: These settings affect the way the Control
Pad receives commands from a handheld wireless remote. The
NV-GRC1 is an optional remote for control of Renovia. It allows
the same level of control as the Control Pad. At the default
setting, this remote will control any zone through the Control
Pad’s IR receiver. If you choose, you can select “All Remotes
Disabled” and completely disable the IR functionality.
Remember, the Renovia System is unable to repeat
commands received from a third party remote control.
Slaved to Zone: A feature of Renovia is the ability to slave
zones together. This is most useful for controlling a zone with
more than one Control Pad, or the converse, which is controlling
more than one zone with one Control Pad. Simply scroll to the
zone you wish to slave to and select it from the list, Fig.76.
Default Zone Locked: A locked zone prevents anyone from
turning the zone on and accessing music without first entering
the security code.