








(ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal)










n1, n2= 0 to 255: specifies amount of sub-





sequent Bit Image bytes received, calcu-





lated as n1 + (n2 x 256)








Graphics, 8 -pin Mode





Single Density Graphics

ASCII: ESC K n1 n2 [graphic data]

Dot density 60 dpi horizontal, 72 dpi




Dec: 27 75 n1 n2 [graphic data]





Hex: 1B 4B n1 n2 [graphic data]

Maximum data per line: ML390





Turbo=480: ML391 Turbo=816





n1, n2= 0 to 255: specifies amount of sub-





sequent Bit Image bytes received, calcu-





lated as n1 + (n2 x 256)



Double Density Graphics

ASCII: ESC L n1 n2 [graphic data]

Dot density 120 dpi horizontal, 72 dpi




Dec: 27 76 n1 n2 [graphic data]





Hex: 1B 4C n1 n2 [graphic data]

Maximum data per line: ML390 Turbo=





960: ML391 Turbo= 1632





n1, n2= 0 to 255: specifies amount of sub-





sequent Bit Image bytes received, calcu-





lated as n1 + (n2 x 256)



Quasi Double Density

ASCII: ESC Y n1 n2 [graphic data]

Same as double density graphics (120




Dec: 27 89 n1 n2 [graphic data]

dpi), but printer can't put two adfacent




Hex: 1B 59 n1 n2 [graphic data]

dots in the same row.



Quadruple Density

ASCII: ESC Z n1 n2 [graphic data]

Dot density 240 dpi horizontal, 72 dpi




Dec: 27 90 n1 n2 [graphic data]

vertical. Printer can't put two adjacent




Hex: 1B 5A n1 n2 [graphic data]

dots in the same row.





Maximum data per line: ML390 Tur-





bo=1920: ML391 Turbo=3264





n1, n2= 0 to 255: specifies amount of sub-





sequent Bit Image bytes received, calcu-





lated as n1 + (n2 x 256)



Reassign Graphics

ASCII: ESC ? m n

Converts ESC K, ESC L, ESC Y, or ESC Z




Dec: 27 63 m n

command to a graphics select com-




Hex: 1B 3F m n






For ESC K: m=75





For ESC L: m=76





For ESC Y: m=89





For ESC Z: m=90





n=0: Single density, 60 dpi





n=1: Double density, 120 dpi

















ML790/791 Printer Handbook