Fixed Type-14 Resident PostScript Fonts

Courier Oblique
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique
Letter Gothic®
Letter Gothic Bold
Letter Gothic Slanted
Letter Gothic Bold Slanted
Resident Proportional PostScript Fonts
Note: To see samples of each font, print out a PostScript Typeface List (see " Printing a
PostScript Typeface List ").

Type 2 Fonts

Font # Font
1 Albertus MT®
2 Albertus MT Italic
3 Albertus MT Light
8 Apple-Chancery®
27 Carta®
32 Cooper Black®
33 Cooper Black Italic
34 Copperplate® Thirty Three BC
35 Copperplate Thirty Two BC
36 Coronet Regular
49 Gill Sans® Bold Italic
55 Goudy®
56 Goudy Bold
57 Goudy Bold Italic
58 Goudy Extra Bold
59 Goudy Italic
75 Hoefler Text Ornaments
77 Joanna® MT
88 LubalinGraph Demi Oblique
91 Mona Lisa Recut
95 New CenturySchoolbook Roman