30 0V Signal Ground
(nAutoFd, nSelectln,
31 Input Prime to printer nInit
32 Fault from printer nFault
33 0V
35 from printer Pulled up to +5V
through 3.3 Kohm
36 Sel In to printer nSelectIn
Parallel Interface Pin Assignments: ECP Mode
Pin Signal Name Direction ECP
1 Data Strobe to printer HostClk
2-9 Data Bit n to printer Data 1 (LSB) to 8
10 Acknowledge from printer PeriphClk
11 Busy from printer PeriphAck
12 Paper End from printer nAckReverse
13 Select from printer Xflag
14 Auto Feed to printer HostAck
15 [not used]
16 0V Logic Ground
17 Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
18 +5V from printer Peripheral Logic High
19 0V Chassis Ground
20-27 0V Signal Ground
28 0V Signal Ground (Data 1-
29 0V Signal Ground (Perror,
Select, nAck)
30 0V Signal Ground
(nAutoFd, nSelectIn,
31 Input Prime to printer nReverseRequest
32 Fault from printer nPeriphRequest
33 0V