the network. Reset the network interface card settings to their defaults and then try to set a temporary IP address. If you still have the problem after resetting the network interface card, consult the network manager.

4.Register the printer in the /etc/printcap file.

Example: for host name PRINTER, to create a queue called PRINTER_lp

PRINTER_lp: \ :lp=:rm=C7400:rp=lp:\ :sd=/usr/spool/PRINTER_lp:\ :lf=/usr/spool/PRINTER_lp/OKIPRINTER_lp_errs: PRINTER_lp The name of the printer queue

lp: The name of the device used to connect to the printer. Does not need to be specified for a remote machine.

rm: The name of the host of the remote printer. This should be the same as the name added to the /etc/hosts file.

rp: The name of the printer on the remote printer. It should be lp.

sd: The spool directory. Give the absolute path.

lf: The error log file. Give the absolute path.

5.Create the spool directory and error log file.

Example: for spool Directory PRINTER_lp and Error Log file OKIPRINTER_lp_errs

#mkdir /usr/spool/PRINTER_lp #touch/usr/spool/PRINTER_lp/PRINTER _lp_errs

OkiLAN 8300e Network User’s Guide

UNIX - 105