2.Log in as [root] to the workstation. If you do not have superuser rights, the network manager should conduct the configuration.

3.Register the IP Address of the network card and the host name in the /etc/hosts file.

Example: for IP Address and host name


4.Use the ping command to confirm connection with the network card.

Example: for host name PRINTER

# ping PRINTER

If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP address (the IP address has been already set manually or by the DHCP/RARP server), or with the network. Reset the network interface card settings to default and try to set a temporary IP address. If you still have the problem after resetting the network interface card, consult the network manager.

5.If remote spooling is not already enabled on the HP-UX machine, carry out the following configuration.

a.Stop the printer spooler.

# /usr/sbin/lpshut

b.Add the following line to the /etc/inetd.conf file and register the remote spooler.

printer stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rlpdameon –I

c.Restart inetd

OkiLAN 8300e Network User’s Guide

UNIX - 109