Introduction and Installation
The OMG-PCI-DIO48provides two 8255 mode 0 compatible ports providing four eight-bit ports and four four-bit ports. Each can be individually configured as inputs or outputs. When configured as outputs each bit of the four bit ports may be set or reset individually.
What’s Included
The OMG-PCI-DIO48is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the supplier.
∙OMG-PCI-DIO48 Adapter
∙Industry Standard Relay Rack Cables are Available: Part number CA135 for Edge Connection
Part number CA167 for IDC Connection
Card Setup
The OMG-PCI-DIO48is a fully compliant PCI ‘Plug and Play’ adapter. All card resources (i.e. I/O address, IRQ selection) are auto-assigned by either your system BIOS or your ‘Plug and Play’ operating system.
Software Installation
For proper operation install software first. To install the software place the CD in your CD-ROM tray and the auto-run program will start. If auto-run is not available browse the CD and choose “index.htm”. Choose Install Software at the beginning of the CD. Select the Digital I/O software drivers and install SeaIO prior to installing hardware.
Linux Users
Refer to the installation instructions at the beginning of the CD for details on installing the digital I/O cards in Linux.