Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.

Cat. No. W318-E1-4

Revision code
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code Date Revised content
1April 1997 Original production
2November 1997 Corrections and modifications resulting from the upgrade to -V1.
Information on the SYSMAC-CPT Support Software added throughout the
Page 41: Second operand display for step 10 corrected.
3April 1999 Corrections and modifications resulting from the upgrade to -V2.
4May 2000 Added Section 6 Expansion Memory Unit.
Updated Precautions.
Page 3: Added information on the CPM1-EMU01-V1 Expansion Memory Unit.
Page 12: Removed 1G and 15G from the table.
Pages 38 to 58, 62, 63, and 71: Corrected contents of displays.
Page 83: Removed notes from the table.
Page 86: Added models related to the CX-Programmer and Expansion Memory Unit.