5-2SectionEntering the Program
Program reference DataInstructionStep
(5) 00015 LD 00900
00016 AND 00102
00017 AND NOT 01102
00018 OUT 01103
(6) 00019 LD 00101
00020 OR 00901
00021 AND NOT 00003
00022 OUT 00901
(7) 00023 LD 00901
00024 AND NOT 00100
00025 AND NOT 01103
00026 OUT 01102
(8) 00027 LD 00901
00028 AND 00100
00029 AND NOT 00002
00030 AND NOT 01000
00031 OUT 01100
(9) 00032 LD 00002
00033 OUT 01001
(10) 00034 LD 00901
00035 AND 00001
00036 AND NOT 01002
00037 OUT 01003
(11) 00038 END (01) ---
5-2-4 Writing the ProgramUse the following procedure to write the program, according to the coding sheet.
The numbers in parentheses are in reference to the previous ladder program.
•(1) Writing Steps 00000 to 00003
1, 2, 3... 1. Press the CLR Key to bring up the initial display.
2. Input the first instruction and bit address 00001. It is not necessary to input
leading zeroes.
LD B100000
LD 00001
3. Press the WRITE Key to write the instruction to Program Memory. The next
program address will be displayed.
NOP (000)
4. Input OR and bit address 00900.
OR 9A0A000001
OR 00900
5. Press the WRITE Key to write the instruction to Program Memory. The next
program address will be displayed.
NOP (000)