1-4SectionI/O and Data Area Allocations


Analog Terminals are allocated from 16 to 64 bits per Terminals as shown in the
following table. If an allocation is not completely within the input or output area,
communications will not be possible and the COMM indicator will not be lit.
I/O bits allocated Node
Node addresses used Address
setting range
64 bits Even Set address to set address + 7 0 to 9
(SRT2-AD04, 4 analog inputs) Odd Set address 1 to set address + 6
48 bits Even Set address to set address + 5 0 to 11
(SRT2-AD04, 3 analog inputs) Odd Set address 1 to set address + 4
32 bits Even Set address to set address + 3 0 to 13
(SRT2-AD04, 2 analog inputs)
(SRT2-DA02, 2 analog outputs) Odd Set address 1 to set address + 2
16 bits Even Set address to set address + 1 0 to 15
(SRT2-AD04, 1 analog input)
(SRT2-DA02, 1 analog output) Odd Set address 1 to set address
If node address 3 is set for the SRT2-DA02 and 2 analog outputs are used, 32
bits are allocated from OUT2 to OUT5.
If node address 10 is set for the SRT2-AD04 and 4 analog inputs are used, the
allocated area would exceed the output area available for allocation and com-
munications would not be possible.
1-4-2 Data Area Allocation
The relationships between the data areas and words that can be used by the
SRM1 are shown in the following table. For details, refer to the CPM1/CPM1A/
CPM2A/CPM2C/SRM1(-V2) Programming Manual (W353).
Name Number of words or bits Word addresses
Input bits 8 words IR 000 to IR 007
Output bits 8 words IR 010 to IR 017
Work bits 44 words
(See note 1.) IR 008 and IR 009,
IR 018 and IR 019,
IR 200 to IR 239
SR area 16 words IR 240 to IR 255
HR area 20 words HR 00 to HR 19
AR area 16 words AR 10 to AR 15
(See note 2.)
LR area 16 words LR 00 to LR 15
DM area (Read/Write) 2,022 words DM 0000 to DM 2021
DM area (Read Only) 456 words DM 6144 to DM 6599
DM area (PC Setup) 56 words DM 6600 to DM 6655
TR area 8 bits TR 0 to TR 7
TIM/CNT area 128 bits TIM/CNT 000 to 127
Note 1. When the CompoBus/S system is used in 128-bit mode, IR 004 to IR 007
and IR 014 to IR 017 can be used as work words.
2. AR 04 to AR 07 are used for Slave status.