Designating Area The size and display position of the lamp must be specified. The lamp area is
set by designating diagonal corners (the starting and ending points) of a rect-
angle for square lamps and the center and radius of circular lamps.
Starting point
Ending point
1, 2, 3...
1. Designate the starting point or center.
2. Designate the ending point or radius
The lamp settings are input after the lamp area has been designated.
Note Although you can set lamp areas that overlap touch switches or other lamps,
overlapping sections may not be inverse properly. Frames on lamps and
touch switches and labels may also prevent proper display for overlapping
lamps/touch switches.
Lamp Settings
Lamp number The number of the lamp being set. (The numbers, 0 to 255, are
used in common with touch switches. The same number cannot
be used more than once.)
Frame Whether or not lamp frames are to be displayed when lamps are
displayed. If “No” is designated, lamps will be indicated by dotted
lines on the Support Tool display.
Attributes Set whether the lamp will light or flash when controlled by bit
signals from the host.
This attribute is effective only when controlling the lamp via bit
signals from the Host Interface Units that support bit designation.
This setting is ignored when controlling lamps via commands,
which can be used to control the same attribute.
Label Whether or not a label is to be attached to the lamp.
Press the Enter Key after checking all of these settings. The label is input
next if label input has been designated.
Lamps Section 2-4