1, 2, 3...
1. Specify DELETE. The cross-shaped cursor will be displayed.
2. Line up the center of the cross-shaped cursor with the string you want to
delete, and press the Enter Key. The string which you have selected will
be outlined by a guide box. A message will appear in a comment box to
verify whether you actually want to delete that string. If a number of
characters have been input at one time, then it makes no difference
which character you place the cross-shaped cursor on.
3. To delete the string, press the Enter Key, or to cancel, press any key
other than the Enter Key.
The basic delete operation for other data on the Edit Display, e.g., numeral
displays, is the same.
Note If the screen is not properly displayed after deleting, press the Tab Key to
rescan the display.
2-1-3 Modifying Character Strings
You can modify strings that have already been set.
Inputting Character Strings Section 2-1