Integrating the Scanner With Your Host System

Your scanner MUST be equipped with the correct hardware (interface board, cable, etc.) to properly communicate with your host system. Contact your PSC dealer for information if you have questions about your scanner’s hardware compatibility.

You may also want to contact the dealer or your system administrator if you have no record of how your scanner was pre-programmed at the factory. Scanners are typically programmed with the default settings for specific interface types, however, your scanner may have been custom configured with settings that are unique to your company or application.

Once you know the scanner’s current settings, you can determine what changes will be required to allow communication with your host system and/or optional features you choose to modify to customize your installation. After recording the modifications needed, finish reading this section, then turn to the appropriate page and follow the instructions to program the scanner.

When all scanner features are programmed to your satisfaction, the scanner is ready to be placed into operation.

Changing Interfaces

When moving the scanner to a host terminal of a different interface type than previously connected, it may be necessary to alter the scan- ner’s hardware and/or software to allow connection and communication between the two devices.


Interface Board

An interface board swap is usually unnecessary, since multiple host interface protocols are supported in combination on most interface boards. For example, RS-232, Standard Keyboard Wedge, and Wand Emulation are all available on a single interface board. Activation of alternate available interfaces on these boards requires only that you connect the scanner to the new host using the appropriate interface cable. The scanner will automatically change to the interface functions specific to that cable.


PowerScan® Scanner