MX5102 Advanced Operation
A connection to a UPS can benefit the volatile electronic memories
found in High-End Home Theater equipment. The MX5102 takes this
to the next level with a number of features designed specifically for AC
Power back up applications.
Patent Pending Learning IR Control
The learning IR function lets you program the MX5102 to send
standby or shut-down commands to components such as DLP ceiling
projectors. If the power fails, the projector’s lamps are turned off while
the UPS continues providing battery power to the projector’s cooling
fan. Proper shutdown is ensured and expensive lamps are protected
from damage. Note: This function should only be used with discrete
IR codes. Programming an On/Off toggle command could result in the
equipment being turned ON during a power failure!
IR Power Failure Operation
The MX5102 can learn two IR commands. The learned commands will
be transmitted on both output jacks so you have the ability to control 2
different pieces of equipment or use a 2-step macro for one compo-
1. After a power failure, the IR codes will be sent to both outputs after
a 5 second delay. IR code 1 is sent first, followed by IR2 two seconds
2. There is no IR output after the power is restored to the system.
IR LED Color & Status
Off Idle
Green, solid: Waiting to receive IR signal
Green, flashing: IR signal sampled
Red, flashing: Failed to learn IR signal
To program IR output:
1. Press and hold the IR1 button for approximately 2 seconds.
2. When the IR1 LED turns solid GREEN, release the button (after
approx. 2 seconds).
3. Point the remote control at the detector window and quickly press
and release the appropriate button on the remote control. If no signal
is received within 10 seconds, the programming mode is cancelled,
the IR1 LED turns off and you will have to start over.
4. The IR1 LED flashes GREEN if the IR signal is sampled and stored
in memory.
5. The IR1 LED will flash RED if the IR signal was not learned.
Start over at Step 1.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for IR2.
To clear IR programming:
1. Press and hold the appropriate IR button, release after 2 sec.
2. The IR LED turns solid Green.
3. Press the button again. The IR code will be erased from memory
and the LED will turn off.
IR Output Test
1. An IR flasher must be connected to the UPS and in line-of sight to
the IR receiver window of the equipment to be controlled in order to
verify that the code was learned correctly.
2. Make sure that the component to be controlled is turned ON.
3. Press and release the IR button. The code for IR will be transmitted
on both IR1 and IR2 outputs.
4. If you are testing a 2-step macro, be sure to press the second IR
button to transmit that code.
5. If the learning process was successful, the controlled equipment
should accept the IR command and turn off or go into standby mode.
6. Reprogram the IR command if the controlled equipment does not
a. Be sure that the batteries in the “teaching remote”
are fresh and do not need to be replaced.
b. If “press & release” (Step 3 in Programming) doesn’t
work, try “press & hold” on the remote control button
being taught to the UPS.