Chapter 6 Manuipulating Clips with Thumbnails (continued)
5Names of metadata upload files stored on the SD memory card are displayed. Select the desired files using the cursor buttons, and choose YES. Upload starts.
Uploaded metadata is retained even if the power is turned off. For [more information on] confirmation of uploaded data, see
Clip Meta Data items
Clip Meta Data includes the following items: Underlined items can be set by reading the metadata upload file on the SD memory card. Other items are set automatically during shooting. Using the latest update version of P2 viewer, metadata upload files can be written to SD memory cards using a PC. Download the latest update version of P2 viewer from the following URL and install it to your PC:
Regarding SD memory cards to be used, see <Cautions in using SD memory cards> (page 17).
The file which was edited by except P2 viewer is displayed as “UNKNOWN DATA”, and may not be read.
Displays the global clip ID, which indicates the shooting status of the clip.
VIDEO: Displays [FRAME RATE] (frame rate of the clip),
AUDIO: [SAMPLING RATE] (sampling frequency of recorded sound) and [BITS PER SAMPLE] (digitized bit[s] of recorded sound).
Displays the clip name specified by the user.*1
ACCESS: Displays [CREATOR] (person who recorded the clip), [CREATION DATE] (date when the clip was recorded), [LAST UPDATE DATE] (date of the latest update of the clip) and [LAST UPDATE PERSON] (person who made the latest update of the clip).
DEVICE: Displays [MANUFACTURER] (name of the device manufacturer), [SERIAL NO.] (serial number of the device) and [MODEL NAME] (model name of the device).
SHOOT: Displays [SHOOTER] (name of the person who shot the video), [START DATE] (start date of shooting), [END DATE] (end date of shooting),
and [LOCATION] ALTITUDE/LONGITUDE/ LATITUDE/SOURCE/PLACE NAME (altitude, longitude, latitude, and source of the information and name of the location).
Displays [PROGRAM NAME], [SCENE NO.], and [TAKE NO.].
NEWS: Displays [REPORTER] (name of the reporter), [PURPOSE] (purpose of shooting), and [OBJECT] (object of shooting).
MEMO*3: Displays [OFFSET] (location of the frame where the text memo is added), [PERSON] (person who recorded the text memo added to the clip) and [TEXT] (contents of the text memo). The AJ- SPC700P can record one text memo per clip.
*1 The USER CLIP NAME recording method is selectable.
*2 Be sure to enter PROGRAM NAME when entering SCENARIO. It is not possible to record only the SCENE NO or TAKE NO.
*3 Be sure to enter TEXT when entering MEMO. It is not possible to record only PERSON or OFFSET.
To set whether or not the uploaded metadata is recorded
Set ON/OFF by selecting META DATA RECORD from the menu bar.