Fax Internet 5 Chapter

Settings for Inbound Routing

To use the Inbound Routing feature, program the following parameters to meet the type of routing in Function Parameters (Fax/Email Settings > Fax Parameters):



Routing type


Function Parameters







Routing by sub-

Set this parameter to perform an ITU-T sub-address

Set “152 Sub-Addr



query within its auto dialler, and to route the received

Routing” to “Valid”.




document(s) to corresponding stations Email





address(s) or telephone number(s).








Routing by the numeric ID

Set this parameter to perform a numeric ID (TSI frame

Set “153 TSI Routing” to


of a sending fax station

information) query within its auto dialler, and to route





the received document(s) to the corresponding





stations Email address(s) or telephone number(s).








To set the From field

Use this parameter to select the type of Email header

Program “154 Route




to be included in the “From” field of each routed faxes.

Header FMT”.




Originator (Origi):





The originating fax machine’s TSI will appear in the





From” field of the routed Email.





Relay Station (Rly Stn):





The routing station’s Email address will appear in the





From” field of the routed Email.








To program printout of

Select whether to print all documents received on this

Program “155 Print


received documents

machine (“Always”), or print them only if inbound

Routed Doc”.




routing fails (“Inc Only”).

















zFor more operational details, refer to Fax/Email Settings in the Operating Instructions (For Function Parameters) of provided CD-ROM.