Features Fax Convenient 3 Chapter


Deferred Polling

If Polling is requested with a deferred time, it will start polling at the pre-programmed time.

Receiver Pre-programmedSender

Communication Time

Request to Poll



zUp to 50 built-in timers can be set for deferred communication.

zPolling might not function with all fax machines. We suggest you attempt a trial polling before you actually poll important documents.

zIf a password is not set in the polled station, you may poll the other station even though your machine has a password.

zFor instructions on how to use polling without a pre-programmed time, refer to Polling (see page 60).


Press the Fax key.


4 Enter a communication time, and then


Select “More Menus”.


select “OK”.



























































3 Select “Polling” in “Deferred Comm.

zEnter the time in the 24-hour format.

Ex: 18: 00




zIf you make a mistake, select “Clear” to




delete entries one digit at a time.