Copy to Phone/SIM:
You can copy the selected Contacts entry to the phone or your SIM.
From Contacts
1.4Browse > SIM or Phone A(Select)
2.4required phone number or nameA(Menu)
3.4Copy to Phone/SIM A(Select)
4.“Copy entry to Phone/SIM ?” A(Yes) or @(No)
Copy all to Phone/SIM:
You can copy all the Contacts entries to the phone or SIM. From Contacts
1.4Browse > SIM or Phone A(Select)
2.4required phone number or name A(Menu)
3.4Copy all to Phone/SIM A(Select)
4.“Copy all entries to Phone/SIM ?” A(Yes) or @(No)
You can search for a name in the Contacts list. From Contacts
1.4Browse > SIM or Phone A(Select)
3.4Search A(Select)
4.Enter the first letter of the required name A(Select)
44Contacts Menu