Phone Basics and Managing Calls
You need to subscribe to the voicemail service through your service provider before you can retrieve voicemail messages. To check if voicemail access has been configured, press and hold $. See “Voicemail” on page 48 on how to programme.
1When a new voicemail message is received, an alert sounds and appears in lower part of the display or you receive an SMS notification (depending on the local service)
• remains on the display until you have listened to all your voice messages.
2 Press and hold $to automatically dial your voicemail number
• If the number is not valid, contact your service provider.
3 Follow the recorded instructions for your voicemail
4 Dwhen finished
Activating Quiet mode
1 To quickly set the phone to your preset Quiet mode settings, press and hold !
• To change Quiet mode settings, see “Editing profile” on page 19.
2 To disable, press and hold !again