Conference CallsWhile you are talking with an outside caller, you can call the handset or the base
unit to make a conference call. When the system has two or more handsets (p. 3),
you can make a conference call with your handset and another handset.
•To leave the conference, press [OFF] on the handset or press [DIGITAL SP-
PHONE] on the base unit. The two other parties can continue the conversation.
•During a conference, the outside call can be placed on hold by pressing [HOLD]
(INTERCOM) on the handset or [HOLD] on the base unit.
Internal communications between extensions are not suspended. Only the person
who placed the call on hold can resume the full conference; press
[CONF/FUNCTION] on the handset or press [CONF] on the base unit.
•Two more extensions can join the conference call if all other extensions are not
being used. To join the conference call, press [], [] or [DIGITAL SP-PHONE].
A maximum of five parties including the outside party can take part in a
conference call.
Call Share
This feature allows the base unit or the handset to join the existing external call.
To join a conversation (Call Share)
Handset: Press [] or [].
Base unit: Press [DIGITAL SP-PHONE].
•“Conference” is displayed.
•A maximum of five parties including the outside party can join a conversation if all
other extensions are not being used.
1During a call, press [HOLD]
•The call is put on hold.
2To page the base unit, press
To page another handset,
press the extension number
([1] to [8]).
3When the paged party
answers, press [CONF/
FUNCTION] on your unit to
make a conference call.
1During a call, press
•The call is put on hold.
2To page the handset, press
the extension number ([1] to
3When the paged party
answers, press [CONF] on
your unit to make a
conference call.
Base Unit
Handset Base Unit