Monitoring and Testing
4-6 3166-A2-GB20-10
November 1998
4. From the User Registers screen:
Press F1 to view current registers (go to Step 5)
Press F2 to view 24-Hour Totals (go to Step 6)
Press F3 to view 15-Minute Interval Registers (go to Step 7)
User Registers:
Cur 24Tot Intvl
F2 F3
5. When you press F1 from the User Registers screen, the User registers for
the current 15-minute interval appear.
User Current:
Event =


F2 F3
6. When you press F2 from the User Registers screen, the User registers for
the 24-hour total interval appear.
User 24 Hour:
VldIntvl =
F2 F3
7. When you press F3 from the User Registers screen, the interval screen
appears. Use this screen to choose the specific 15-minute interval.
User Intvl: 01
Up Down Dsply
F2 F3
8. Use the and keys to position the cursor under the first or second digit
in the interval number displayed, then use the F1 (Up) and F2 (Down) keys to
increment and decrement the number.