4. Monitoring the Hotwire DSL System
4-6 April 2001 8000-A2-GB26-50

Table 4-2. Physical Layer Options (1 of 8)

Active List (Active Ports List) B-B-A
Displays a list of the current status of all the active ports.
Num Number of the port.
Name Name of the port (for example, eth001 for Ethernet, dsl001 for DSL card Port 1).
Description Type of port.
MAC Address MAC address of the active port. (Internal dummy address used for
non-Ethernet ports.)
Status In-use or disconnected.
Ethernet Stats (Ethernet Statistics) B-B-B
Displays a list of the Ethernet statistics of the LAN port (eth001).
The counters increment in real time and you may press Ctrl-r at any time to reset the
Port Name Name of port (eth1).
Mode Full or half-duplex.
Speed Port speed.
Interface Internal or external.
MAC Address LAN (or MAC) address of the Ethernet port.
Bytes received Number of bytes received by the Ethernet port since the last reset.
Packets received Number of packets received by the Ethernet port since the last reset
and what type.
Multicast Single packets copied to a specific subset of network addresses.
Broadcasts Messages sent to all network destinations.
Flooded Information received, then sent out to each of the interfaces.
Filtered Processes or devices that screen incoming information.
VNID Error Number of errors transmitted by the VNID and what type.
Errors Number of errors received by the Ethernet port and what type.
Overruns No buffer space.
Bad CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.
Framing Receiver improperly interprets set of bits within frame.
Jumbo-Gram Ethernet packet too long.
Collisions Data collisions.