OPS1200 User’s Manual
Open a device
Format: OPEN "device string" AS #device
Group: Character I/O
This command opens a device. The valid range for "device" is 0 to 3. Each program
has it's own device #0 which is used as its default device. Devices #1 through #3 are
board-wide system resources that can be opened and used from within any program or
from any system or program prompt.
The "device string" describes the device that is to be opened. Serial device strings
contain information required to set up communications. Valid device strings are:
"OPS:" (Valid only when using an OPS1200 Display and
baudrate = 300,600,1200,2400,9600,19200,38400
parity = N,E,O
databits = 5,6,7,8
stopbits = 1,2
When a device is opened, the operating system attached to that device enters an idle
state, allowing incoming characters to be used by a program instead of being
interpreted as commands. When the device is closed, the device will enter its auto-
detect mode as if it were starting from power-up.
Usage example:
10 OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1" AS #1
20 PRINT #1, "Hello world!"
30 CLOSE #1