Open a device
Format: | OPEN "device string" AS #device |
Group: | Character I/O |
See also: | PRINT, INPUT, CLOSE |
This command opens a device. The valid range for "device" is 0 to 3. Each program has it's own device #0 which is used as its default device. Devices #1 through #3 are
The "device string" describes the device that is to be opened. Serial device strings contain information required to set up communications. Valid device strings are:
"OPS:" (Valid only when using an OPS1200 Display and Keyboard)
baudrate | = 300,600,1200,2400,9600,19200,38400 | |
parity = N,E,O | ||
databits | = | 5,6,7,8 |
stopbits | = | 1,2 |
When a device is opened, the operating system attached to that device enters an idle state, allowing incoming characters to be used by a program instead of being interpreted as commands. When the device is closed, the device will enter its auto- detect mode as if it were starting from
Usage example:
10 OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1" AS #1
20 PRINT #1, "Hello world!"
30 CLOSE #1
12 | OPS1200 User’s Manual |