10 Pelco Manual C539M-A (12/01) Protocol Type
This bit is set to correspond to the protocol input of the associated controller (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. Protocol Type Unused DIP Switch
DIP switch position 1-4 is not used but is reserved for future use.
Figure 8. Unused Configuration Bit BAUD Rates
The baud rate chosen must correspond to the the communicaiton baud rate of the control-
ler to which the CXTA is attached.
Note, as Figure 9 states, that these settings apply to attached P protocol controllers. The trans-
lator reverts to a fixed baud rate of 2400 if a D type controller is interfaced. The baud rate
settings of DIP 1-5 and 1-6 are ignored.
Figure 9. Baud Rate Settings
When protocol is
set for D (DIP 1-3 ON), then
the existing baud rate
settings (DIP 1-5 and 1-6)
for the configuration switch
are ignored. D protocol
operates independent of
baud rate setting and
automatically reverts to a
fixed baud rate of 2400
(8-bit, no parity, 1 stop).