hIfyou want to change the automatic tv channel setting,
selectthe line ’Fine tuning’.
Withthe DSr or SqC buttonyou can vary the
automatictv channel setting. Important: This re-tuning is
onlynecessary and useful in special cases, e.g.: when
thereare stripes on the picture with cable-TV systems.
iPressthe OK buttonto store the TV channel.
DIfyou want to search for further TV channels, start
againat step e.
jToend, press the MENU button.
Manual radio channel searchaPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
cSelectthe line ’Radio store’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
Frequency search 123.4
Programme number 02
ã Exit:
press MENU
dIfyou know the frequency of the desired radio channel,
youcan enter the data in line ’Frequency search’
withthe digit buttons 0-9 .
DIfyou don´t know the frequency of the radio channel
ofyour choice, press the SqC buttonto start
thechannel search.
eInthe line ’Programme number’ select the
programmenumber you want e.g.: ’01’, using the
DSr or SqC button.
fPressthe OK buttonto store the radio channel.
DIfyou want to search for further radio channels,
startagain at step d.
gToend, press the MENU button.
Satellite receiverYoucan receive channels from the satellite receiver via the
scartsocket EXT.1 .
Todo this, select the channel number ’E1’ with the
PpAB button.You will have to select the channels to be
receivedby the satellite receiver on the receiver itself.
Special installation functionsYoucan select one of the following installation functions in
orderto adapt your TV-VIDEO Combi to your own specific
Automatic TV channel searchYourTV-VIDEO Combi will search for all TV channels.
Ifyou want to start the automatic TV channel search again,
thenfollow the instructions below.
aPressthe MENU buttonon the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
cSelectthe line ’Autostore’ with the PrB or
dPressthe SqC button.
eSelectthe country you are in with the PrB or
Ifyour country doesn’t show up, select ’OTHER’.
fConfirmwith the OK button.The ’Automatic TV channel
Searching ...
Radio channels stored: 7
gWhenthe TV channel search is complete,
’Autostore ready’will appear on the screen.