Delete a TV Channel
aPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
cSelectthe line ’SORT CHANNELS’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
01 xxx
02 yyy
03 zzz
04 aaa
05 bbb
06 ccc
ã Exit: To move:
press MENU press OK
dWiththe PrB ,APq,DSr or SqC button,
selectthe TV channel you want to delete and press the
CLEAR button.
eRepeatstep d, until you have deleted all the required
fToend, press the MENU button.
Setting the language
Youcan select the language for the on-screen display (OSD).
aPressthe MENU buttonon the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the PrB or
APqbuttonand confirm with the SqC button.
cSelectthe line ’Language’ with the PrB or
dSelectyour language with the DSr or SqC
eToend, press the MENU button.