The Magic range

High-quality 35 mm slide projectors

The Magic projectors with the powerful 250 or 150 W halogen lamps are designed for the ambitious amateur as well as for schools and seminars.


￿ 4-channel IR remote control with laser


￿ With magazine

￿ Selective autofocus

￿ Lens 2.8/90 mm MC

￿ Compatible with 3 different magazines:

LKM, universal or CS

￿ Socket for tape recorder or other


￿ On/off switch

￿ Slide-controlled diaphragm

￿ Single slide holder

Focusing wheel

Convenient wireless operation for easy use

The 4-channel IR remote control has clearly identifiable command buttons: two buttons for forward or backward transport, two other buttons for overriding the selective autofocus, and another button for activating the inte- grated laser pointer.

Quick slide change for a less tiring show

The quick slide change - ca. 1.1 sec. - nearly shuts out the dark intervals between the single pictures. If there is no slide in the magazine, the slide-controlled diaphragm protects the audience against the dazzling projection light.

Selective autofocus

Theautofocusautomaticallyadjuststhesharpness of the picture. If needed you can override the mechanism on a manual switch on the remote control. All corrections are made so efficiently that they are nearly invisible to the eye.


￿ 2 height-adjustable feet

￿ Quick fuse change

￿ Dim.: 270 x 295 x 122 mm

￿ Weight: ca. 5 kg

Magic 2500 AFS-IR

No. 8024

with halogen lamp 24 V/250 W


Magic 1500 AFS-IR

No. 8021

with halogen lamp 24 V/150 W


The diafocus range

Low-budget 35 mm slide projectors

The diafocus projectors are characterized by their solid construction and reliable technology. With their many convenient features they are truly good value units.


Integrated remote control

At both models the remote control is integra- ted in the projector‘s body.

The 2 separate buttons for forward and backward transport make the handling easy and convenient.

Single slide holder

Wrongly inserted slides can be quickly turned round. You can also project a single slide with- out a magazine.

Permanent autofocus

After you have done the initial adjustment manually via the focusing wheel, the autofocus adjusts the picture sharpness automatically.

￿With magazine

￿Permanent autofocus

￿Halogen lamp 24 V/150 W

￿Interchangeable lens 2.8/90 mm MC

￿Forward/backward transport via remote control

￿Compatible with 3 different magazines: LKM, universal or CS

￿On/off switch

￿Slide-controlled diaphragm

￿Single slide holder

￿Focusing wheel

￿2 height-adjustable feet

￿Dim.: 270 x 295 x 122 mm

￿Weight: ca. 5 kg

diafocus 1500


No. 8003

with 2-channel IR remote control


diafocus 1500


No. 8000

with 2-channel cable remote control


Subject to technical alterations, as well as to changes of the design and the colour


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Philips 220X manual Magic range, Diafocus range, High-quality 35 mm slide projectors, Low-budget 35 mm slide projectors