VGA signal amplifers / splitters

VGA Booster 1 : 1

No. 5778-2

Signal amplifier up to a distance of 50 m between booster and projector (depending on resolution)

￿1 input / 1 output (HD15 m / f)

￿Frequency 250 MHz

￿Supports 1920x1440 pixels @ 60 Hz

￿Plastic housing 97x56x26 mm

￿Incl. power supply

Monitor splitter USBpower VGA 1 : 2

No. 5778-6

￿1 input / 2 outputs (HD15 m/f)

￿USB connections type A / m, type A / f

￿Frequency 450 MHz

￿Supports 2048x1536 pixels

￿Plastic housing 70x72x25 mm

￿Power supply via USB (USB-powered) DC 5V

￿Connection cable VGA 15 cm

Monitor splitter Basic VGA 1 : 2

No. 5778-10

￿1 input/ 2 outputs (HD15 m / f)

￿Frequency 250 MHz

￿Supports 1920x1440 pixels @ 60 Hz

￿Supports DDC, DDC2, DDC2B at output 1

￿Metal housing 130x75x42 mm

￿Power supply DC 9V, 180mA

￿Supplied with connection cable VGA 1.8 m (m / f)

Monitor splitter Basic VGA 1 : 4

No. 6298-2

Similar to 5778-10 but with

￿1 input / 4 outputs (HD15 m / f)

￿Power supply DC 9V, 220mA

￿Supplied with connection cable VGA 1.8 m (m / f)

Monitor splitter Pro VGA 1 : 2

No. 7480-1

￿1 input / 2 outputs (HD15 all f)

￿Frequency 400 MHz (3 dB)

￿Supports HDTV

￿ID-Bit control

￿Metal housing 120x75x25 mm

￿Power supply 12 V DC, 95 mA

￿Incl. fixing material

Monitor splitter Pro VGA 1 : 4

No. 7480-2

Similar to 7480-1 but with

￿1 input / 4 outputs (HD15 all f)

34 Subject to technical alterations, as well as to changes of the design and the colour

VGA via CAT5 cable

VGA extender

No. 7488

￿VGA transmission via CAT5 cable up to 100 m

￿Fine adjustment of image quality

￿Suitable for protected CAT5 and CAT6 cables

￿Consisting of sender and receiver

￿Connection cable VGA, ca. 15 cm


1input (HD15 m) / 1 loop output (HD15 f) and RJ45 (f)


1input (RJ45 f) / 1 output /HD15 m)

Size of casing (sender and receiver) each 64x29x24 mm

Power supply: 9 V DC - 30mA

Image quality in relation to distance (at 60 Hz frequency)













20 m

35 m

50 m

65 m

80 m

100 m









640 x 480
















800 x 600
















1024 x 768
















1280 x 1024















1600 x 1200














DVI signal amplifiers/splitters

DVI-D repeater Pro 1:1


No. 5778-4

For DVI-D signals, to be connected with the end of

the cable (max. 10 m), extends the DVI connection

up to 10 m (depending on resolution).

￿ 1 input / 1 output (f)



￿ Frequency 1.65 Gbit/s (Single Link)

￿ can be further extended



￿ Metal casing 60x65x30 mm

￿ Power supply 12 V DC or 5V (400 mA) via

graphic card






DVI splitter Basic 1 : 2


No. 5778-3

￿ 1 input / 2 outputs (f)



￿ Supports 1600x1200 pixels @ 60 Hz

￿ Max. cable length between splitter and projector 10 m

￿ Metal casing 200x75x42 mm

￿ Incl. power supply



DVI switcher






DVI Share 2 : 1


No. 5816-6

￿ 2 inputs / 1 output (f)



￿ 2 select buttons



￿ 4 status LEDs



￿ Supports 1280x1024 pixels and DDC2

￿ Hot Plug compatibility



￿ Metal casing 153x75x42 mm

￿ Power supply DC 9V, 300 mA

HDMI repeater






HDMI repeater Basic 1 : 1


No. 5778-5

For HDMI signals, to be connected with the end of the cable

(max. 10 m),

extends the HDMI connection up to 20 m.



￿1 input / 1 output (f / f)

￿Supports up to HDTV 1080p (1920x1080 pixels)

￿HDCP compatibility

￿can be further extended

￿Metal casing 49x49x20 mm

￿Power supply DC 5V

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Image 34
Philips 220X manual Installation Accessories