Anti-theft devices

Anti-theft device



No. 5775


￿ For notebooks, projectors


etc. with security lock slot


￿ Plastic coated steel rope


￿ Length 1.5 m


￿ Diameter 4 mm

Safety cages against theft and vandalism

Safety cord SK300


No. 7425-10

For protection in public buildings, schools,




universities, entrance halls and unattended




rooms. The opening for the lens is covered by




a glass pane.














Safety cage


No. 7426-1












Accoustic anti-theft device

No. 7425

The accoustic anti-theft device with built-in shock sensor triggers off the alarm in two stages (after 8 resp. 4 seconds) when severing the steel rope or when moving the unit.

￿4-digit digital lock

￿Can be easily attached to bags or to a security lock slot

￿Self-winding corrosion-free steel rope, plastic coated, length 0.9 m, diameter 2.4 mm

￿105 dB alarm

￿9 V battery – battery life 3 months

￿Weight: 0.170 kg

The sturdy cage is made of punched metal sheets, 1 mm thick.

￿Dim.: 47 x 45 x 30 cm

￿Max. projector size 37 x 37 x 15 cm


￿With camlock

￿Can be additionally fitted to all height- adjustable ceiling mounts Vario Pro and Eco (except 5886-100).

Weight: ca. 8.2 kg

Projector Safe

No. 7426-2

The safety cord SK300 with 100 dB anti-theft alarm is an intelligent anti-theft device for units with plugs.

The 3 m long SK300 replaces the supplied power cable and

connects the unit with the power socket. The alarm is activated via the digits on the plug. If the cord is severed or pulled out of the socket or the unit, the alarm will go off. The SK300 identifies a power black-out. High- voltage protection is integrated. The built-in battery protects the unit 48 hours in case of a power cut.

The anti-theft protection can also be connected with additional units via its loop output.

Please ask about compatibility with other types of plugs!

Anti-theft device

No. 7426

USB loop for SK300

No. 7425-11

For connecting the cord SK 300 with USB interface

Heavy-duty steel rope effectively protects projectors which are fixed to a Vario ceiling mount against unauthorized removal.

￿Safety rope, 95 cm long, to secure the projector holder on the ceiling

￿Safety rope with lock and key makes it impossible to disconnect the projector from the holder.

The housing of the well-designed octagonal projector safe is made of punched metal sheets and does not need any ventilation. It is closed by a high-quality camlock (Burg) and an addi- tional padlock can be installed.

￿Dim.: 45 x 44.5 x 29.5 cm

￿Max. projector size 40 x 40 x 16 cm

￿Scratchfree coating, white (RAL 9003)

￿Sturdy camlock (Burg)

￿Can be additionally fitted to all height- adjustable ceiling mounts Vario Pro and Eco (except 5886-100).

Weight: ca. 8.5 kg

Projector Safe XL

No. 7426-3

As 7426-2 but with dim. 60x44.5x29.5 cm Max. projector size 55 x 40 x 16 cm Weight: ca. 9.5 kg

The USB loop is connected with the safety cord SK300 and USB interface of an external unit. If the USB plug is disconnected, the pre-activated 100 dB will go off.


Subject to technical alterations, as well as to changes of the design and the colour

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Philips 220X manual ANTI-THEFT Devices, Anti-theft devices