phone complies with all applicable safety standards | In areas where you are requested to turn off radio trans- | |
and the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications | mitting devices, such as quarries or other areas where | |
Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC. | blasting operations are in progress. | |
Always switch off your phone | Check with the vehicle manufacturer that | |
electronic equipment used in your vehicle | ||
| ||
Inadequately protected or sensitive electronic equip- | will not be affected by radio energy. | |
ment may be affected by radio energy. This interfer- |
| |
ence can lead to accidents. | Users of pacemakers | |
Before boarding an aircraft and or when pack- |
| |
ing the phone in your luggage: the use of mo- | If you are a user of a pacemaker: | |
bile phones in an aircraft may be dangerous | • Always keep the phone more than 15 cm from | |
for the operation of the aircraft, disrupt the mobile | your pacemaker when the phone is switched on, | |
phones network and may be illegal. | in order to avoid potential interference. | |
In hospitals, clinics, other health care centres | • Do not carry the phone in a breast pocket. | |
and anywhere else where you may be in the | • Use the ear opposite to the pacemaker to mini- | |
close vicinity of medical equipment. | mise the potential interference. | |
| • Switch off your phone if you suspect that interfer- | |
In areas with a potentially explosive atmos- | ence is taking place. | |
phere (e.g. petrol stations and also areas | Users of hearing aids | |
where the air contains dust particles, such as | ||
| ||
metal powders). | If you are a user of a hearing aid, consult your physi- | |
In a vehicle transporting flammable products (even if | cian and hearing aid manufacturer to learn whether | |
the vehicle is parked) or a vehicle powered by liquefied | your particular device is susceptible to cellular phone | |
petroleum gas (LPG), check first that the vehicle com- | interference. | |
plies with the applicable safety rules. |
Precautions | 41 |