20.Repeat steps 18 and 19 to finish entering all the 3-digit values of the
Gateway Address.
A message to confirm the Gateway Address is displayed.
21.Press the ENTER button.
The printer restarts the system automatically, and “Initializing” is
22.After approximately 3 minutes, you may check your settings.
(1)On your computer, click Start, select Programs, then click
- MS-DOS Prompt.(for Windows 95/Windows 98)
- Command Prompt.(for Windows NT 4.0)
(2)From the DOS prompt type “ping” followed by a space then the
printer’s IP Address, then press the ENTER key.
For example, ping
If the following notation is displayed, they are set correctly.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=xx time<xxms TTL=xx
Reply from bytes=xx time<xxms TTL=xx
If the ping command returns a “Request timed out” message or “Reply from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Destination host unreachable” message or other error
messages you should recheck your settings. If they are not set correctly, you should
go back to
Chapter 2
on page 10.
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx OK?