Assigning IP Address with ARP
The Network Card must be on the same network segment as the workstation that you
are using to configure it. The TCP/IP stack must be installed and operating.
The DHCP settings of the Network Card must be set to “Enable”. It can be set by the
printer panel or MAP utilities.
1. On your computer, click Start, select Programs, then click
Command Prompt.
2. At the DOS prompt enter:
ping [any valid IP address on your network - not the print
server]. The identified unit should reply.
After the response, enter:
arp -s [IP address of the Network Card] [MAC ADDRESS of
the Network Card]. The entry should be accepted.
For example, arp -s 00-80-F0-00-30-05.
ping [IP address of the Network Card]. The request should
time out.
3. Recycle the power on the printer or let the Network Card reset itself.
4. When the Network Card is up again, at the DOS prompt, enter:
ping [IP address of Network Card] (continue until you get
a reply).
Note: This only enters the IP address; you must use the HTML pages accessed by MAP
or Web Browser facility to enter the other IP parameters.