--_.._ave you ever fallen asleep in
•.l front of the TV only to have it
wake you up at two in the morning
with a test pattern screeching in
your ears? Well, your TV can save
you all that trouble by automatical-
ly turning itself off
_._ Press the SLEEP button on the remote control and the SLEEP timer onscreen display will appear in the lower center of the display.
Press the SLEEP button repeatedly to pick the amount of time (in 15 minute increments up to 60 minutes; then 30 minute incre- ments up to 120 minutes; then 60 minute increments up to 240 min- utes) before the TV will turn itself off.
An onscreen count down will appear during the last minute before the TV shuts itself off.
control can also be set
within the TV's main menu.
The onscreen menu will time out and disappear from the screen when
you finish, or you can press the STATUS/EXIT button to clear the
menu from the screen.
During lbe last rninule of a SI.EEP
timer selling, all onscrecn count
down will be displayed Pressing a_y buuon during Ibe last minute
will cancel the SLEEP timer
15 MIN
240 MIN
During Ibe last l0 seconds ola
SLEEP timer selling, all onscreen
J | display will re_d GOOD BYE |