A very common digital s till picture forma t.
A still-picture d ata compression sys tem
proposed by the Joint Photog raphic Exper t
Group, which features s mall decrease in image
quality in spite of its h igh compression rati o.
Files are recognized by thei r le extension
‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg.’


Kilobits per second. A d igital-data-r ate
measurement sys tem which is often used
with highly compresse d formats such as AAC ,
DAB, MP3 etc. The higher t he amount, the
better the quality g enerally is.


LCD (Liquid Crystal Displ ay)
Probably the most common w ay to show
visual information on non -computer elect ronic


MHz (Mega Hertz)
One million cycles per second .
A le format with a sound da ta compression
system. MP3 is the abb reviation of Motion
Picture Exper ts Group 1 (or MPEG-1) Audio
Layer 3. With the MP3 for mat, one CD-R or
CD-RW can contain abou t 10 times more
data than a regular CD.


Napster is an online musi c service offering
unlimited music you can ea sily transfer to your
Vibe player.
17 Glossary


Album art
Album art is a feature t hat displays the
artwork (cover pictu re) of a music album. This
display enables the user to qu ickly identify
a music album. The ar twork les for music
albums can be downloaded fr om the Internet.


In audio terms, this is a pr ocess of temporarily
or permanently red ucing audio data for more
efcient storage or t ransmission. A temp orary
reduction in le size is c alled ‘non-lossy’
compression, and no infor mation is lost. A
permanent reduc tion in le size (such as with
MP3 les) is called ‘lossy’ comp ression, and
involves discarding unne cessary informatio n
which is irretriev ably lost.


Decibel (dB)
A unit of measure used to exp ress relative
difference in power or inte nsity of sound.
Digital Audio
Digital Audio is a sound sig nal that has been
converted into numer ical values. Digit al sound
can be transmitte d through multiple cha nnels.
Analog sound can only be tr ansmitted throu gh
two channels.


FM (Frequency Modulation)
In radio broadcas ting: a method of modulatio n
in which the frequenc y of the carrier volta ge
is varied with the fre quency of the modulatio n