
DOchranná mriežka

EZásobník na vodu

FSieťový kábel

GOvládací gombík


IZákladná jednotka s ohrevným telesom

JIndikačné svetlo LED

KKonzoly na navinutie kábla



NRukoväť krytu

OMiska na prípravu potravín na pare

PZákladná jednotka s ohrevným telesom

Príprava na použitie

1Nutričné centrum umiestnite na suchý, stabilný, hladký a vodorovný povrch, mimo dosahu detí.

2Odviňte požadovanú dĺžku kábla z držiakov úložného priestoru kábla v základnej jednotke.

3Zariadenie pripojte do siete.

,Indikačná kontrolka sa rozsvieti nazeleno.

Nutričné centrum je teraz v pohotovostnom režime. Zariadenie nezačne hriať, kým nestlačíte ovládací gombík a nezvolíte ním vhodné nastavenie.

Použitie zariadenia

Prehľad teploty

,Deti majú zvyčajne rady, ak ich mlieko a strava má teplotu 37°C. Ovládací gombík (7) Vám umožňuje nastaviť správnu teplotu stravy. Nastavenie závisí od množstva, zloženia a aktuálnej teploty mlieka alebo stravy. (Obr. 2)

-y teplota chladničky (približne 10°C.)

-. teplota v miestnosti (približne 20°C.)

-m obsah fľašky až 200 ml

-, minimálny obsah fľašky približne 60 ml

Poznámka:Ak sa voda odparila pred skončením ohrievania, nutričné centrum 3 v 1 začne pípať a indikačné svetlo začne blikať načerveno.V tom prípade stlačte ovládací gombík, aby ste prerušili ohrievanie a zásobník naplňte vodu.


Ohrievanie detských fliaš

1Pomocou odmerky nalejte do zásobníka 20 ml vody. (Obr. 3)

2Z krytu (1) vyberte uzáver a kryt položte na základnú jednotku (2). Fľašu položte na ochrannú mriežku v základnej jednotke (3). (Obr. 4)

3Pozrite si požadované nastavenie v prehľade teploty.

Nastavenie závisí od množstva mlieka vo fľaške a od jej aktuálnej teploty.

4Stlačte (1) a otočte (2) ovládací gombík na požadované nastavenie. (Obr. 5)

,Indikačné svetlo začne nepretržite svietiť načerveno a budete počuť pípanie, ktoré znamená, že zariadenie začalo hriať.

,Ohrievanie trvá približne 5 minút v závislosti od množstva a teploty mlieka.

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Philips SCF280 Slovensky, Príprava na použitie, Použitie zariadenia, Prehľad teploty, Ohrievanie Ohrievanie detských fliaš

SCF280 specifications

The Philips SCF280 is an innovative baby bottle designed to cater to the needs of parents and their infants. Focusing on both functionality and comfort, this bottle provides an exceptional feeding experience, ensuring that babies and parents are at ease during feeding time. One of the standout features of the SCF280 is its ergonomic design, making it easy for little hands to grip the bottle while feeding. This user-friendly design also adds convenience for parents, allowing them to hold the bottle effortlessly during feedings.

One of the key technologies integrated into the Philips SCF280 is the Anti-Colic Air System, which significantly helps to reduce the intake of air by the baby. This system is designed to minimize the risk of colic symptoms by preventing the formation of vacuum inside the bottle. As a result, babies can enjoy a more comfortable feeding experience without the discomfort that comes from swallowing excess air. This feature is particularly beneficial for new parents who are often concerned about their baby's digestive well-being.

The SCF280 bottle features a soft silicone nipple that closely mimics the natural feel of breastfeeding, making the transition between breast and bottle smoother for infants. Available in different flow rates, the nipple can accommodate growing feeding needs as the baby develops. This adaptability ensures that parents can choose the appropriate nipple flow, promoting a more comfortable and enjoyable feeding routine.

Moreover, the Philips SCF280 bottle boasts a wide neck design, facilitating easy cleaning and filling. The wide opening allows for effortless access, ensuring that parents can thoroughly clean all parts of the bottle without hassle. Additionally, the bottle is dishwasher safe, providing a practical solution for busy parents who require efficiency in their daily routines.

Constructed from durable BPA-free materials, the SCF280 is safe for babies and offers peace of mind to parents regarding their child’s health. Its compatibility with other Philips Avent products expands its usability, allowing parents to mix and match components to create an ideal feeding setup. The combination of these thoughtful features and technologies makes the Philips SCF280 an excellent choice for families looking for reliable and safe feeding solutions for their infants. Overall, it exemplifies Philips' commitment to enhancing the feeding experience for both babies and their caregivers.