TDA8950_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
Preliminary data sheet Rev. 01 — 9 September 2008 13 of 39
NXP Semiconductors TDA8950
2× 150 W class-D power amplifier
11. Static characteristics
[1] The circuit is DC adjusted at VP=±12.5 V to ±42.5 V.
[2] With respect to SGND (0 V).
[3] The transition between Standby and Mute mode has hysteresis, while the slope of the transition between Mute and Operating mode is
determined by the time-constant of the RC-network on pin MODE; see Figure 8.
[4] DC output offset voltage is gradually applied to the output during the transition between the Mute and Operating modes. The slope
caused by any DC output offset is determined by the time-constant of the RC-network on pin MODE.
[5] At a junction temperature of approximately Tact(th_fold) −5°C the gain reduction will commence and at a junction temperature of
approximately Tact(th_prot) the amplifier switches off.
Table 7. Static characteristics
35 V; f
= 345 kHz; T
= 25
C; unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VPsupply voltage [1] ±12.5 ±35 ±40 V
VP(ovp) overvoltage protection supply voltage non-operating; VDD −VSS 85 - 90 V
VP(uvp) undervoltage protection supply voltage VDD −VSS 20 - 25 V
Iq(tot) total quiescent current Operating mode; no load; no
filter; no RC-snubber network
- 5075mA
Istb standby current - 480 600 µA
Mode select input; pin MODE
VMODE voltage on pin MODE referenced to SGND [2] 0 - 6.0 V
Standby mode [2][3] 0 - 0.8 V
Mute mode [2][3] 2.2 - 3.0 V
Operating mode [2][3] 4.2 - 6.0 V
IIinput current VI = 5.5 V - 110 150 µA
Audio inputs; pins IN1M, IN1P, IN2P and IN2M
VIinput voltage DC input [2] -0-V
Amplifier outputs; pins OUT1 and OUT2
VO(offset) output offset voltage SE; mute - - ±15 mV
SE; operating [4] --±150 mV
BTL; mute - - ±21 mV
BTL; operating [4] --±210 mV
Stabilizer output; pin STABI
VO(STABI) output voltage on pin STABI mute and operating; with
respect to VSSP1 9.3 9.8 10.3 V
Temperature protection
Tact(th_prot) thermal protection activation
temperature - 154 - °C
Tact(th_fold) thermal foldback activation
temperature closed loop SE voltage gain
reduced with 6 dB
[5] - 153 - °C