Recording without automatic switch-off

aInserta cassette.
bUsethe P;or P=buttonto select the programme
number(programme name) from which you wish to
DWhenthe function ’Direct record’ is switched on, select
theprogramme number on the TV set. With the video
recorderswitched on, press the RECORD/OTRnbutton.
DWhena TV channel transmits a channel name, it will
showin the display.
DProgrammenumbers ’E1’ and ’E2’ are provided for
recordingfrom external sources (via scart sockets
AV1EXT1 and AV2EXT2 ).Programme number ’E3’ is pro-
videdfor recording from the front sockets VIDEO and
DProgrammenumber ’AUX’ is provided for audio record-
ingsvia sockets AUXINL R .
cPressthe RECORD/OTRnbutton.
dStoprecording with the STOPhbutton.

Recording with automatic switch-off

(OTR One-Touch-Recording)

aInserta cassette.
bUsethe P;or P=buttonto select the programme
number(programme name) from which you wish to
cPressthe RECORD/OTRnbutton.
dPressthe RECORD/OTRnbuttonrepeatedly to obtain the
requiredend time or length of the recording.
DTocancel this entry, press the CLEAR(CL) button.

Erase protection

Sothat you don’t accidentally delete animportant recording,
removethe special tab (erase protection) on the narrow side
ofthe cassette with a screwdriver or slide the special tab to
theleft. Later, if you no longer want the cassette to be erase
protected,you can seal the gap again with adhesive tape or
slidethe special tab to the right.


Youcan use the auto-assembling function to join individual
recordingswithout any major picture disturbance between the
aDuringplayback, search for the correct position on the
bStopplayback by pressing the STOPhbutton. ’PAUSE’
appearson the TV screen.
cNowstart recording as usual by pressing the

Selecting the recording speed (SP/LP)

Youcan reduce the recording speed by half. This makes it
possibleto record, for example, 8 hours instead of 4 hours on
an’E240’ (4 hour) cassette.
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPressthe MENUbutton. The main menu appears.
cSelectthe line ’RECORD FUNCTIONS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
dSelectthe line ’RECORD SETTINGS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
eSelectthe line ’RECORD SPEED’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;.
fSelectthe required recording speed with the menu
buttons Qor P.
D’LP’:LongPlay = half recording speed (double recording
’SP’:StandardPlay = normal recording speed.
DThepicture quality will be adversely affected when
recordingat half recording speed (’LP’).
DForplayback, the correct recording speed will automati-
callybe selected.
gConfirmwith the OK button.
hToend, press the MENU button.