EIfyou don’t know the frequency or channel of the TV
channelof your choice, press the menu button Pto
startthe channel search.
gInthe line ’PROGRAMME NUMBER’ select the pro-
grammenumber you want e.g.: ’01’, using the menu
buttons Qor P.
hIfyou want to change the TV channel name, press the
Pbuttonin line ’TV CHANNEL NAME’.
ESelectthe character you want to change with the Qor
the Pbutton.Change the character with the P=or
the P;button.Select the next character in the same
EKeeppressing the menu button Puntilthe cursordis-
iInthe line ’NICAM’, select funtion ’ON’ or ’OFF’ with the
Por Qbutton.
jIfyou want to change the automatic tv channel setting,
selectthe line ’FINE TUNING’.
Withthe menu buttons Qor Pyoucan vary the auto-
matictv channel setting. Important: This re-tuning is only
necessaryand useful in special cases, e.g.: when there
arestripes on the picture with cable-TV systems.
kPressthe OK button to store the TV channel.
DIfyou want to search for further TV channels, start again
atstep f.
lToend, press the MENU button.
Monitor function
Youcan switch back and forth between TV reception and
videorecorder reception with the MONITOR button. This only
functionswhen you used a scart cable to connect the video
recorderto your TV set and if your TV set responds to this
Sort/Clear TV channels manually
DWith’Connecting with Easy Link/NexTView’ the video
recorderautomatically loads the TV channels from the TV
set.Hence, you can not select this function.
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
cSelectthe line ’INSTALLATION’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;andconfirm with the Pbutton.
dSelectthe line ’TV CHANNEL ALLOCATION’ with the
menubuttons P=or P;and confirm with the P
P01 BBC1
P02 BBC2
P04 CH4
P05 CH5
eWiththe menu buttons P=or P;, select the TV
channelto which you want to allocate a programme
number(starting with ’P01’) and press the Pbutton.
DIfyou want to delete a TV channel, press the CLEAR(CL)
fWiththe menu buttons P=or P;, shift the TV chan-
nelto the programme number you wish to allocate to this
TVchannel and press the Qbutton.The TVchannel
willbe added.
gRepeatsteps eto funtil you have allocated a
programmenumber to all TV channels.
hTostore, press the OK button.
iToend, press the MENU button.