Yourvideo recorder remote control can transmit several
commandsto TV sets of different makes.
Byusing the TV buttons on the panel in the middle of the
control,you can:
Sq theTV volume up
Sr theTV volume down
TVyswitch off sound
TVmswitch off the TV set
TVAV switchthe TV to AV
TVqnext programme number
TVrprevious programme number
aPointyour remote at the TV.
bHoldthe TV mbutton and at the same time enter the
correctremote control command with the digit buttons
0-9 .
DIfthe selected code does not work with your TV set,
orif the make of your TV is not in the list, you can try
outthe codes one after the other.
Manual audio controlWiththe MANUAL buttonyou can switch to manual audio
aPressthe MANUAL buttonon the video recorder. The
currentselection appears in the display.
bKeeppressing the MANUAL buttonuntil ’MAN’ (manual
audiocontrol) appears in the display.
cWiththe PROGRAMMEAand PROGRAMMEBbuttons on
thevideo recorder adjust the recording level so that the
’0dB’ mark lights up during the loudest parts of the
DAtstep byou can switch back to ’AUTO.’
(automaticaudio control) with the MANUAL button.
Recording audio onlyYoucan use your video recorder as a HiFi tape recorder. You
canrecord the sound from e.g. a HiFi unit or a second video
aSwitchon the TV set and select the programme number
forthe video recorder.
bPuta cassette in the machine.
DForthis function, use a cassette whose numberis
notstored in the Tape Manager (TM). More
informationon removing the cassette number from
theTM can be found in the chapter ’The Tape
cUsethe audio cable (cinch cable) supplied to connect
yourHiFi (stereo) unit with the AUXIN L R socket at the
backof the video recorder.
DYoucan also use the EXT.1AV 1 or EXT.2 AV 2
socketsor the front LAUDIO R socketsfor
DYoucan also use the EXT.1AV 1 or EXT.2 AV 2
sockets,the MIC. microphonesocket or the audio
frontsockets for audio-only recordings.
dSelectthe programme number from which the ’only
audio’recording should be made, using the PROG.qor
PROG.rbutton (e.g.: ’AUX’ for the AUXINL R socket.
ePressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
fSelectthe line ’RECORDING FUNCTIONS’ with the
Bor Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
gSelectthe line ’AUDIO ONLY’ with the Bor A
buttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
hTostart sound recording, press the RECORD/OTRnbutton.
iTostop recording, press the hbutton.
jToend, press the MENU button.