Additional Information
Additional Information
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
CHECK USB | The USB con- | Check that the | |
| nector or USB | USB connector or |
| cable has short- | USB cable is not |
| circuited. | caught in some- |
| thing or dam- |
| aged. |
| The connected | Disconnect the |
| USB storage de- | USB storage de- |
| vice consumes | vice and do not |
| more than 500 | use it. Turn the |
| mA (maximum | ignition switch to |
| allowable cur- | OFF, then to ACC |
| rent). | or ON and then |
| connect only |
| compliant USB |
| storage devices. |
| The iPod oper- | Make sure the |
| ates correctly | connection cable |
| but does not | for the iPod has |
| charge | not shorted out |
| (e.g., not caught |
| in metal objects). |
| After checking, |
| turn the ignition |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON, or dis- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reconnect. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
Communication | ! Perform one of | ||
| failed. | the following op- |
| erations. |
| |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON. |
| |
| USB storage de- |
| vice. |
| |
| ferent source. |
| Then, return to |
| the USB source. |
| ! Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod's main menu |
| is displayed, re- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reset it. |
| iPod failure | Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod's main menu |
| is displayed, re- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reset it. |
| |
USB storage de- | USB storage de- | ||
| vice was not for- vice should be for- | |
| matted with | matted with |
| FAT12, FAT16 or | FAT12, FAT16 or |
| FAT32 | FAT32. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
The iPod firm- | Update the iPod | ||
| ware version is | version. |
| old |
| iPod failure | Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod's main menu |
| is displayed, re- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reset it. |
STOP | There are no | Select a list that | |
| songs in the | contains songs. |
| current list. |
NOT FOUND | No related | Transfer songs to | |
| songs | the iPod. |
| ||
Bluetooth Telephone |
| ||
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
The power failed | Turn the ignition | ||
| for the Blue- | switch OFF and |
| tooth module of | then to ACC or |
| this unit. | ON. |
| If the error mes- |
| sage is still dis- |
played after performing the above action, please contact your dealer or an authorized Pioneer Service Station.
Use only discs that feature either of the following two logos.
Use only conventional, fully circular discs. Do not use shaped discs.
Do not insert anything other than a CD into the CD loading slot.
Do not use cracked, chipped, warped, or otherwise damaged discs as they may damage the play- er.
Do not touch the recorded surface of the discs.
Store discs in their cases when not in use.
Do not attach labels, write on or apply chemicals to the surface of the discs.
To clean a CD, wipe the disc with a soft cloth outward from the center.
Condensation may temporarily impair the player’s performance. Let it rest for about one hour to adjust to a warmer temperature. Also, wipe any damp discs off with a soft cloth.