9 • Reports
SV62214 Rev. A
Error ReportThis report provides a history of error codes that your machine has
encountered. It is generally a report you will not have to access un-
less your Pitney Bowes Customer Service Representative requests
that you print it out.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Error Report".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
i NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Error Date Time Identifier Count
JAN 10 08 04 : 25P 1879 001
DEC 22 07 11 : 47A 0802 008
SEP 08 07 03 : 08A 010E 004
JUL 01 07 09 : 36A 1848 000
JUN 18 07 12 : 52A Oaff 000
JAN 28 08
9: 25A
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