6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
SV62214 Rev. A

Adding Postage

You can add postage to your machine any time you need to, as long
as you have enough funds in your Postage By Phone® ac count and
your system is connected to the Pitney Bowes Data Center.
Add $xx
Add another amount
Check PBP balance
i NOTE 1: The minimum amount of postage you can add is $1.
i NOTE 2: The amount shown in the "Add $xx" selection line
represents the amount of postage you added the last time.
3. The system connects to the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may
take a few moments). Various screens display, letting you know
the status of the process.
4. The Amount Added and Available balances displays.
Amount Added $xx
Available $xx
Receipt? (Yes or No)
1. Press Add Postage.
2. You may select “Add $xx” to add the amount shown.
Select “Add another amount”. Key in the amount, in whole dol-
lars, that you want to add and select “Continue”.
Amount Added – the amount of the postage downloaded into the
Available – the amount of postage available to use in the meter.
This represents any balance you had in the meter before adding
postage, plus the refill amount.