7 • System Options
SV62214 Rev. A
Setting the Date, Time, and TimeoutsYou can change the system date/time, set the date/time to day light
sav ings time, change the time at which your sys tem advances the
date/time to the next day, and set the amount of time your sys tem
can re main in ac tive be fore re vert ing to the nor mal preset val ues.
Setting the Normal Preset TimerThe normal preset is a set of values (postage, ad, ac count and so
on) that your machine display au to mat i cal ly returns to after a set pe-
riod of time. You can set the amount of time the display takes before
it re verts to the normal preset.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Normal Preset"
5. Key in the amount of minutes (from 1-240) be fore the system
re turns to the normal pre set.
6. Select "OK". The display returns to Time and Timeouts menu.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options Menu.
◄Normal Preset
◄Sleep Mode
◄Autodate Advance
◄Correct Drift
◄Daylight Saving
Turning Features On and Off• Preset Class Lookup - this turns on or off the prompt for a
class when you are saving a preset that has no class listed
(also known as "key-in postage").
6. Depending on the features chosen, you may need to press Clear
(back arrow key) to return to the Options Menu.